
Choral Program: Stacella

Commencing in 1995, Stacella is an inspiring choral program unique to Star of the Sea College. Students begin in Year 7 with group singing lessons before graduating into the intermediate and senior choirs. This provides students with an opportunity to audition for the school’s premier performance group, Competition Choir.  

Students perform at Hamer Hall for Presentation Evening at the end of each school year.

Stacella has become well-known throughout Australia for its choral prowess, performing at Eisteddfods, the Australian A Cappella Championships (champions in 2018, 2019 and 2022), the Time to Shine Gala, Stacella Concert, as well as at numerous school functions, concerts and liturgies. Students in Stacella are given access to exclusive workshops and have performed with international artists such as the musical director and arranger for the Hollywood film Pitch Perfect, Deke Sharon and African children’s choir Ubuntu.   

Stacella is open to all students, with no singing experience required, and is an excellent way to participate in the exciting musical community at Star.

The Stacella community has become a family, connected through the joy of music and friendship. It has opened the door to invaluable opportunities, to performances at the esteemed Regent Theatre, to bonding with friends at interstate competitions and numerous professional workshops. Stacella has enabled me to thrive at Star of the Sea College and to draw the most of my high school experience.’ — Josephine Papafotiou, Stacella Captain (Class of 2020)