Giving Day

Each year in June, Star holds its annual Giving Day, a special event where our College community comes together and raises money for programs and initiatives that make a significant impact on the educational journey of our students.

In recent years, our community has raised important funds for Star’s Bursary Program and the Star Chapel. We have seen the power of giving and the benefit it brings to many.

This year the funds raised will go towards the creation of exhibition spaces within the Heritage Building. These will be permanent fixtures that showcase our students’ work and creativity across all disciplines.

Every student will have an opportunity to experience that sense of pride and achievement which comes with exhibiting examples of their endeavour and hard work. All subjects from science to art, multimedia to maths, literature to sport will be on display, showcasing the abilities, aspirations and ingenuity of our amazing students.

We are grateful to the Star Community for their continued support of Giving Day.

Giving at Star

As a Presentation community, we strive to live out our motto, ‘Facta non Verba’ (Deeds not Words) in ways that inspire and reflect compassionate action for a just world. We […]


Bequests at Star

The continued generosity of the Star Community is a reflection of the positive impact and enduring nature of a Star education. Remembering Star in your will makes a significant difference […]