Victorian Certificate of Education – Vocational Major (VCE VM)

VCE VM is offered as an alternative senior-studies pathway at Star of the Sea College. The program is designed for students who are applied learners and interested in acquiring work and study skills in a relevant context, customised to their interests and goals.

Students experience a combination of VCE VM-specific studies including Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development Skills, Skills for Further Study, and Work Related Skills, as well as internal and external VET (Vocational Education and Training) certifications, Industry Placement blocks and the internationally recognised Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Certificate.

Pathways available beyond Year 12 include tertiary studies or employment, or a combination of both. A student’s post-school ambitions are decided throughout a consultative process with the Applied Learning Leader, the Careers Leaders and the skilled personnel available to students and their families in this phase of senior school.

We currently offer VCE VM programs at the College across Years 11 and 12.

How to apply for VCE VM

Entry into VCE VM is via an application and interview. You can find out more about VCE VM here

Email your application to the College Registrar: 

Senior Studies

The senior years at Star of the Sea College bring greater individual choice as students engage in subjects that allow for passionate engagement and reveal unique career pathways. Our aim […]


Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Students can expand their horizons and gain a nationally recognised certificate by completing the Vocational Education and Training (VET) program within the VCE/VCE VM program. Students must demonstrate clear evidence […]