Year 7 Transition

We recognise that the move from primary to secondary school can be a big change for students and their families. Every Year 7 student participates in a comprehensive transition program designed to provide a firm foundation for their secondary education. 

Every Year 7 student participates
in a comprehensive transition program
designed to provide a firm foundation
for their secondary education. 

Specially tailored programs begin well before a student arrives at Star:

  • All students undertake a literacy, numeracy and general-reasoning test:
    • this data, together with information from their primary school, assists in forming Mentor Groups so their learning potential is maximised
    • parents and guardians receive a copy of the testing report
  • An information evening for parents and guardians is held in Term 3 (students do not attend)
  • Students attend Orientation in early December.


Star of the Sea College boasts a stellar reputation as a safe and welcoming school community – one that nurtures its students to become articulate, confident […]


Mentor Groups

Mentor Groups Mentor Groups form an integral part of student wellbeing at Star. Each Mentor Group is led by a dedicated Mentor Teacher who has a vital role in monitoring […]